Software Engineer, Linux Enthusiast, OpenRGB Developer, and Gamer Profile:

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2021


Finally some good news from GitLab! I switched when MS bought GitHub but all the news from GitLab since that point has been some form of “we’ve severely nerfed our offerings for open source projects”. This, however, will make GitLab better for FOSS as people from across other platforms can contribute. If Gitea and others also support this then GitLab may start to crack. If GitHub also implements this then we won’t need accounts there to contribute.

Yeah, I think this might be the best for PeerTube. Instead of federating to the point of copying the actual videos to each server, just copy the metadata/thumbnails. That way all of the videos on all federated servers on the network show in each instance’s list of videos, but when you actually click on a video it requests an embedded player from the original server that the video was hosted on rather than on your local instance.

I mean, a sorting algorithm is still an algorithm, just a very straightforward one. The good kind of algorithm.

I like Mastodon, but I like Lemmy more. That said, I liked Reddit a lot more than Twitter so it makes sense I’d prefer Lemmy. I’d rather follow topics than people, and Mastodon/Twitter are about following people (yes you can subscribe to hashtags on Mastodon, but it isn’t the same).

That said, I still have and use both.

If Matrix counts as the Fediverse, then Matrix. I set up Matrix to join the postmarketOS server, then mirrored my OpenRGB Discord over to Matrix with a bridge bot. However, due to lack of moderation and an influx of spammers I ended up making that private.

Then I set up a Mastodon account when Twitter started showing signs of failure and have mostly moved to Mastodon though I still occasionally check up on Twitter.

Now I set up a Lemmy account because of Reddit’s failings. Ready for the Reddit exodus. At least this time we’re moving to something not in the hands of a single corporation that can sell us out like Digg and Reddit did.

Seriously, they actually think free app developers have the money to pay for their ludicrous pricing? They’re either complete and total idiots or they’re lying about the intent.