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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


As someone who hasn’t worked on open source projects, can someone please explain what this means? I know what ActivityPub is and I know what Git pull requests are, but I don’t understand what they have to do with each other. Is the idea that this lets you view GitLab pull requests from outside of the GitLab website?

Great insight. I agree that the fediverse will never be anywhere near as big as mainstream social media, but I’m hoping it will continue to grow and be recognized as a valid alternative.

Personally I think of the fediverse as like diet social media. Just like how people switch from Coke to Diet Coke to avoid sugar, people can switch from Twitter to Mastodon to avoid recommendation algorithms and overly-stimulating content. At least that’s why I joined the fediverse. I know most people love algorithms and endless content (hence why Tik Tok is so huge) but for those of us who want something less stimulating, I’m glad that the fediverse exists as an alternative. As long as the fediverse is big enough to be enjoyable, but not so big that it becomes super addictive, that’s good enough for me.