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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 13, 2022


It’s doing quite well and you’re the only person I’ve ever seen take offense to the name, so I guess you’ll just have to cope with spooky newsletters 👻

You can already download the entirity of Wikipedia. If it ever fell, the content could easily be restored elsewhere.

Also, I don’t think I understand why this should be federated.

Hey, that’s not fair, they have terf and nazi devs too.

How does this stop EEE?

I suppose if we burn our own community to the ground the moment we’re Embraced, there won’t be anything left for Meta to Extend or Extinguish.

Privacy is not a feature of the fediverse, so rid yourself of that notion right now. Every time you post something hundreds of various ActivityPub instances hoover up every bit of data they can, and you have no control over it anymore. Big corporations don’t have to be transparent about it, they’re already sitting on copies of that data, I promise you.

If you think your fediverse data fits into the same category as your search history, contact lists, and medical info, you fundamentally don’t understand how to manage your privacy online.

Yes, and that complaint will undoubtedly remain, since the basis for that argument was that it isn’t possible to clap-back at racially insensitive or bigoted posts by quoting. (Dogpiling)

But Mastodon’s plan involves users opting-into their posts being quotable, so the worst actors are just not going to opt in, and people will continue to complain about it.

Though, if it prevents the “dunk mechanism” that the developer of the quote-tweet openly regretted introducing to Twitter, I’d wager we’re moving in the right direction by generally only allowing the other half of the argument for this feature: boosts with extra context.

The details about how Quote Tweets contribute to toxicity, and toxicity to engagement are something the Mastodon crowd needs to read.

Twitter migrants are still stuck in the “engagement at all costs” mindset, and really should read this article and the other articles it links to, and reconsider if embracing toxicity is worth the increase in engagement.

Federated social media is generally ad-free, so there’s no monetary incentive to chase engagement for the sake of engagement. It’s a capitalist mindset people joining the fediverse need to leave at the door.

People shouldn’t be leaving Twitter just to recreate its worst features in a decentralized way. Smaller communities with better adhesion are better communities to be a part of. I don’t want to go “viral”, I just want to communicate with my peers.