Awoo [she/her]


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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jul 26, 2020


I’m starting to suspect world is trying to get funding because they’re trying to “clean” the site up in exactly the way banks/VCs require for loans.

If that’s true they’re idiots. It’s not even fucking necessary. All the social media VCs deliberately take the most neutral stance possible for the LARGEST possible userbases. Did reddit? Did any other social media site do that? Fuck no they didn’t. They viewed them as user sources and valuable towards growth. It’s literally the opposite of what every VC funded group does.

The cleanup only happens before an IPO. During VC funding companies are always as free as they can possibly be.

Linking to pirate sites is also not illegal. woooooooOOooOOooooo scary! I just broke the lawwwww according to you, get a grip.

The idea that corporations will come after federated instances that aren’t even creating the posts instead of the source is nonsensical. Until the source is attacked there is literally no reason anyone should be concerned, and if the source is taken down then it won’t be on other instances anymore anyway.

There are no legal issues. You can fucking talk about piracy completely legally. This is a moral position being taken under the excuse of legality by liberals who run their server with a strict political leaning, as demonstrated by their mass banning of socialists and defederation from every left wing space.

There is nothing illegal about talking about piracy. Get a grip. This is entirely about taking a moral position, because the server is run by liberals with a clear and obvious political position, as demonstrated by their mass banning of socialists.

Holy fucking shit they’re blocking piracy? What a bunch of losers. Get off the anti-corporate platform built on copyleft principles if you have a problem with piracy.