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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


You’re right, and it sucks, but so do ever-expanding homeless encampments. If you actually visit Portland you’ll be like 😬. It’s one thing to discuss it in theory, but something entirely different to experience it and have to live around it. I’m empathetic towards homeless people and have been homeless myself before. It’s an absolutely awful situation to be in, especially as an adult without a support network. But there’s an endurance limit for a city, and Portland is well beyond that limit.

Those who violate the ordinance could face a fine up to $500 or spend six months in jail.

These two are always so disparate. Do they think that someone who can’t afford $500 only makes $1000 per year?•...

News agencies are supposed to report things as they happen, not spin things to fit the agendas of the wealthy. Yes, news used to be, and should again be unbiased. This used to be a law in the United States, that if the news reported a bias in a story, they had to report the other side as well. Regan eliminated that (The Fairness Act) in the 80s and we’ve been getting more divided ever since.

Well for one, I don’t think corporations are people, and therefore they don’t have freedom of speech to begin with, so the argument is moot. I understand that legally they do, but I think that law is bullshit and has resulted in great amounts of suffering.

The last thing I want this site to become is a karma farming wasteland of repost bots and low effort trolling. I could get plenty of that on Reddit.•...

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom for massive corporations to push enormous misinformation campaigns, full of lies, to promote their environment and society destroying agenda, all under the guise of news.

Conditional manipulation? If you can pass an awareness test you get an algorithm free experience, but if you can’t, then it dumps you into and caters your browsing towards outrage and echo chambers?

It must be noted that dog aggression can develop even in well-socialized Am Staffs; an AmStaff should never under any circumstances be left alone with other dogs.

You can find that under the “training needs” section on the AKC profile page:

I kinda disagree that they can’t be left unsupervised with other dogs. I think it depends on the individual pitty. Some of them have really friendly personalities. But who am I to argue with the AKC?

I don’t see the territorial behavior mentioned there, but it’s well documented elsewhere that they’re protective of their territory, and suspicious of strangers in their home until their owners make it clear that they’re okay. They make pretty good guard dogs. I’m sure you can find that information with a little searching. They’re great dogs though, as long as they have experienced owners.

What a tragic story for everyone involved, including the dog. Pitbulls are very sweet, loyal, and loving dogs. They also have a genetic predisposition towards territorialism, and canine aggression. They require experienced owners who will give them adequate socialization as puppies, and ongoing exercise, mental stimulation, and training. They make excellent companions when raised properly, but can exhibit undesirable and dangerous behaviors without the right training and socialization.