ʎlsnoıɹǝs sǝɹnʇɔıd ɹo ǝɯɐuɹǝsn ǝɥʇ ǝʞɐʇ ʇ,uoᗡ

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Chill, it’s nothing to be serious about :)

I mean, it’s also possible that I have just been searching different criteria, but a casual observation is just a casual observation at the end of the day. An anecdote is just an anecdote. I didn’t realise that I should have also had to mention all other possible causes lol.

“Obviously”, other causes are also possible. Maybe my home network remembers frequent use of the website. Maybe it’s the large number of clicks that come from those google results.

You know what? I agree. Even over the last few months, I’ve seen it in action.

Before the blackout stuff began, I used to have to manually include the word “reddit” for reddit to even show up for most of my queries. Now, I can barely google anything without reddit showing up right near the top of the results.

Shenanigans, I tell ya.