• 0 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 31, 2023


Usually people use Hugo.

But I would be very interested in a less contrived alternative.

Thanks for doing this.

For starters, a way to unban people would be nice. Then, also, a way to easily see new content for their community. Like, only new content. And not see it after it has been marked as “reviewed” (except as context to unreviewed content, when unfolded). I mean, new posts, new comments, etc. With alerts. Also, sudden activity alert.

A way to match keywords, and bring up matching posts and comments.

Metrics about each user’s contributions to the community, are they new, or seasoned. Did they contribute mostly popular content or unpopular content? What words do they use most? Etc.

Compiling multiple reports for a single post/comment into one. Ignoring reports from select users.

That’s all I can think of for now.

But, essentially, a dashboard with live content, showing “old” content as “greyed out”, and relevant actions, would be really, really useful.

Edit: additionally, automated actions would be great. Answering posts/comments matching regexes with templates populated with the user’s information; automatically removing, issuing warnings, and banning (outright or after n warnings) people for specific terms, etc.

It would also really help to have automation workflows (e.g. user commented with “r-word” or “n-word”, autocomment a warning, wait X minutes/hours, or Y minutes/hours after user comments again, remove comment/ban).

This automation could come as an additional tool, to be ran under a separate account.

This could become a problem on posts only relevant on one server

Obviously, on the server the posts are from, you display the full vote count. There, the admins know the accounts, can vet them, etc.