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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


do they want to publish news every now and then, or do you just think they should? it seems like they are happy with what they have now.

there is nothing worse then outdated wordpress full of spam, where no one publishes anything because they don’t actually want to, but they were convinced by someone else that they “need it”

they are are extremely obnoxious mix of tankies and some other leftists who might have been slightly less obnoxious if they were on their own, but being in the group with said tankies, you don’t want them any more than the former

i apologize for grammar structure of my sentence and hope it makes some sense

if you have few days of time to kill you can check this thread where lemm.ee admin is asking lemm.ee users about their opinion on defederating them. they brigade the thread in such a way they make more than 77% of the 2k comments in the thread (not exaggerating - the thread has 1920 comments when viewed from lemm.ee and 425 when viewed from lemmy.world which blocks them) and explain their philosophy in the process. so you will understand stuff like “who absolutely needs to be murdered for the crime of having more money than you in order to make world more just place & other tankies’ wisdom”.

you have to acknowledge that they did really good job of introducing themselves, though - i had no idea they even existed the day before that thread and i am firm proponent of “defederate. now.” today 😆

anyone that knows how to use a computer can learn the needed skills in less than a week.

if you really think that, i am happy i am not on your instance 🤣

But I can easily proof

no, you can’t

that as right now there are more than enough small Lemmy instances online to take over all of the Lemmy.world users if each of them had about 1000 members. You can easily look it up yourself.

well thank you for your permission.

there is at this moment 532 instances with open signup - https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/list

so while your statement is technically true and that would be enough to take in 126k lemmy.world users in your arbitrary ratio, it is not enough to take in the 1,1M total lemmy users. this is quite illustrative to your creative approach to facts.

and all ofthis is not accounting for the fact that if you sort the instances by uptime, the list starts at 65%. are these the people who obtained their admin skills during 1 week crash course?

and to be clear i am not trying to insult anyone for having a toy and learning new skill, but these are simply not instances for public use.

also let me remind you, that even if you somehow managed to prove this nonsense you are trying to prove, it would in no way help you to establish your original claim:

If you want to ensure that the Fediverse stays a healthy, non-corporate and humans-first environment, then being able to run (small) servers out of the admin’s pocket is the only working solution.

you chose weird hill to die on and i wish you good luck with it. you don’t have to reply to this, i don’t think that further debate between us can bring any utility to either one of us.

uninformed users like you


which is pretty much a given.

no, it is not given, it is number you just pulled out of your ass. that may be true for people who joined some solar punk or open source instance, but it is absolutely not true for general population. there wouldn’t be 126k people on lemmy world if that were true.

people who already own their own server are not at all representative sample of general population.

so i am not going to say you are straight up lying, but you are definitely obfuscating a lot ;)

I am an instance admin of one of the oldest Lemmy instances and have been doing stuff like this for nearly 20 years now. I am not talking theoretically, but based on real examples that I have seen personally happening.

cool. and how many people who weren’t willing to contribute few bucks, but were willing and able to start and maintain their own instance, have you seen? 🤣

yeah, no.

again, your “lot of small instances” scenario is more expensive than few big ones, because there is a lot of unneccesary overhead.

that is not to say that there should be only big instances, but you really seem to think you have invented some perpetuum mobile, and let me assure you - you did not.

if you have enough admins willing to run small instances and finance them out of their own pockets, these same people can just contribute money to some bigger instance instead.

and vice versa - if you’d end up in scenario where you don’t have enough people to finance the big instance, why do you think these same people would be suddenly willing to finance the small ones AND add some admin work on top of the money? (which they may be lacking both time and skill to do)

also this is totally academic discussion, you are just drafting catastrophic scenario for which you have no basis in reality. just look at the wiki and you will see that people will pay for thing they consider useful.

is the only working solution

that is total nonsense. these smaller instances do cost money as well. so either million people needs to collectively shell out money to run one big instance, or they have to collectively shell out money running million small instances. the latter will cost more money when you sum that up.

so, if you want the fediverse to stay healthy, people have to pay for it, one way or the other. your economic perpetum mobile does not really work how you think it does.

how about you leave that to people running the instances? i am sure they can make inform decisions without your advice ;)

what do you suggest, robbing a bank? if you want something, you have to pay for it, that is how world works.

donations should absolutely be considered essential.

it is relying on the admin paying out of their own pocket that is guaranteed way to hell ;)

lemm.ee admin did setup crowdfunding option and the needed amount was filled quite fast, so i guess it is more about whether or not the admin of the instance have technical ability and will to upscale the solution with rising number of users.

it might get different story once the normal users start surpassing the early adopters in numbers (the penetration of people willing to contribute might get gradually lower).

oh. i think i finally get your objection, although it is still unbelivable to me. are all iphone apps that bad that you would rather use the web interface?

it is clearly stated this is a desktop solution, so keep complaining it doesn’t work on your iphone. i am sure if you add little more sarcasm, it starts making sense.

asks if it can be used as a default ui on a server

that is irrelevant. the point is, that this is considered desktop solution. it is expected that everyone uses some kind of app on the phone, so the fact that it renders too wide on your iphone is irrelevant.

it is clearly meant for use on desktop

While there are quite a few mobile apps on Android and iOS now, one interesting area gets overlooked: alternative web frontends.

i didn’t mean it in bad way. i totally get that sometimes money/time is not the only priority.

wow. that is lot of wasted time. i totally do approve 😆