• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 02, 2023


Not only are they federating with each other, but they implemented Group to Group following to help prevent duplicate posts. Its a feature that’s been requested for lemmy/kbin/mbin, so it’ll be interesting to see how well it works for them.

which makes it that Mastodon’s implementation will not be compatible with other fediverse implementations

What a surprise! I never would have expected Mastodon to ignore compatibility with the rest of the fediverse /s

But wait, there’s more, we’re standardizing our Groups implementation so other projects can take advantage of our App and Client API.

So its compatible with lemmy but uses a different API and they want their API to be the standard for the threadiverse? This is why we should be using the C2S, but since we’re not you should just stick with the lemmy api since that’s where the client ecosystem is already at.

I wish you luck and would love to see better Interoperability, but mastodon has been against better Article support from the beginning. I’m not sure much has changed there

An Introduction to Conversation Containers
A conversation is a collection of messages with a common context. The ActivityStreams specifications define both collections and contexts, but very little guidance is provided on how to use them effectively. This document specifies an Acti

The author wrote this FEP by reverse engineering the Hubzilla implementation. The point of proposing it is to find and answer questions like these.

OpenWebAuth has been in use on the fediverse since before WebFinger became so widely used.

Like I said in a previous comment, this FEP was written by reverse engineering the existing implementation. It’s still a proposal so it still has to go through a discussion period where issues like this can be worked out and it can be updated

FEP-61cf: The OpenWebAuth Protocol
This is the proposed FEP-61cf: The OpenWebAuth Protocol. OpenWebAuth is the “single sign-on” mechanism used by Hubzilla, (streams) and other related projects. It allows a browser-based user to log in to services across the Fediverse using a single identity. Once logged in, they can be recognised by other OpenWebAuth-compatible services, ...

It shouldn’t be this hard to implement a standard structure for social media (groups/channels/sub-reddits) with an allegedly standardised protocol.

Wait til you see mastodon’s proposed Group implementation, which they’re intentionally making incompatible with existing Group implementations

That’s not applicable. Sublinks is using the same standard as Lemmy/kbin/mbin, i.e. ActivityPub. In a decentralized system based on an open standard, plurality of implementations is a good thing. We shouldn’t want lemmy to be the only one.

There are 500 million posts on Twitter every day. Do you read them all? There are 2.8 million subreddits. Have you browsed them all?

Nobody subscribes to every twitter acct or every subreddit so nobody is expecting to have every single post delivered to them. The fediverse has a legitimate problem where ppl don’t actually receive all the posts of accts they’re subscribed to. It’s silly to compare what the OP is complaining about to not being able to see every post on twitter/reddit.

Thank you for making Owncast a success in 2023
You can define success any way you like. But I'm happy with the direction of the project, and I'm thankful for everyone who has helped make it happen.

Not every instance is running mastodon. This would be useful for other software that don’t have it built in

Just a heads up: there’s a mastodon specific community at https://lemmy.ml/c/mastodon that would be more appropriate for this post.

If you click the tag link right above the title, it takes you to the list of all articles the author has written about it.

Life-Critical Side Projects - Aeracode
Disappointing to see another AP project (possibly) coming to a halt. It always seems to be the same issues: * A lone developer cant handle the work load * lack of funding * compatibility issues It's seeming less and less likely that the fediverse will ever grow beyond mastodon.

The mastodon dev team is notoriously opinionated. A lot of forks/frontends start because the dev wants features that mastodon has refused.

I know that’s how reddit works but this isn’t reddit. We don’t have to do things the same and we have a wider fediverse to integrate with, which necessitates different solutions.

Your argument about multiple tags for a single topic seems to be the biggest benefit of managed tags, but I don’t think that’s even a bit deal. On other fediverse services, the same thing happens and users eventually settle on a single tag for a topic. Tags in a feed will also be truncated so not all of them will be displayed without interaction. That’ll incentivize users to pick the right tag even more

I’ve been suggesting the use of tags to interoperate with the wider fediverse since lemmy started. The have reasons they don’t like it but there seems to be some discussion moving forward on them in side channels. One of the devs asked for an RFC on a hashtag implementation and someone submitted one, though I haven’t seen any feedback on it and it was not a solution I really liked.

I don’t see why lemmy should leave out replies to top-level tagged posts. A tagged post is essentially like any top level post in lemmy. They could be displayed like any other lemmy post, with replies displayed in thread below

The main issue though is how do you meaningfully cross post mastodon content to lemmy? Will we be able to see the replies from mastodon users? Will we be able to reply?

If lemmy users are happy to treat mastodon posts like any other external content, it could work well. But more than a bot would be necessary to fuse the two platforms.

That already happens. Non-lemmy users can post to lemmy by making a normal post that @-mentions a community.

I proposed a features a while back to both lemmy and kbin that never really got any traction. Unfortunately, on the lemmy issue, people kept discussing similar but unrelated ideas and the discussion got pretty muddled until a mod closed it for being a duplicate of an unrelated issue.


most of the early contributors from 2017-18. Many of them wrote blog posts about their experiences