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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 17, 2023


The main issue I notes about this is that, if I wanted to set up I Lemmy system, I would go for Lemmy itself, not another tool that I then had to configure to work as Lemmy. Same goes for a microblogging service, I would set up a Mastodon service, not a service that needs to be configured into being Mastodon.

As for it being used to develop mockups for new Fediverse experiences, I don’t think it will do that either, since if you are doing a mock-up, you are looking an not only how a possible new design would work, but also the backend, to get a sense of what is needed in terms of storage, compute and other software layers.

A system this diverse will be very dificult to reduce the complexity and give a good idea of what kind of environment is needed for someone to invest.

What it could do is serve as an inspiration tool for students, it could absolutely serve as a technical demonstrator of the ActivityPub as the teacher can build simple systems and show what parts of activity pub they use.

I remain skeptical of the future of this type of system outside of the classroom environment, though I do wish the developers all the best

So it will never be anything.

I am sure it is fantastic in every way, but when I read that it “lets you tinker with every little bit of it” I read “requires you to tinker with every little bit of it”.

If the camera is free, then use it while saving up for a better camera.

200USD is quite a low budget for a camera here in Sweden, but I don’t know where you are located.

I’d tentatively recommend the used camera market to start off with, if you go that route read up on how many exposures are resonable for the camera you are looking at and then ask the seller for that info, it is not a be all end all value, but gives an idea of how hard a camera has been used, it is sort of like a car’s milage.

Some models to look for on the used market is:

Panasonic Lumix GX80 or GX85 depending on your location, it is an excellent small camera with interchangable lenses and plenty of settings to play with, note however that the rear control dial often breaks, and may need servicing.

Panasonic Lumix G80 or G85 is similar to the GX moddles but has much better ergonomics and control dials.

Sony RX100 has been released in several versions, it is an excellent small camera but without interchagable lenses.

Olympus have made cameras using the same lens mount as the Panasonic cameras I mentioned above, they have released cheaper and more expensive cameras, and are common to find second hand. I don’t have personal experience with them so I can’t give you detailed info about them.

Canon and Nikon are large camera makers, they make great cameras, but their entry level cameras can feel a bit cheap, if you are looking at Canon, then know that they have recently replaced their lens mount, going from EF to RF, that means that there is plenty of EF gear on the second hand market, but know that the EF cameras use an analoge viewfinder and not a digital one, they take brilliant photos, but for me who is used to a digital viewfinder with all the tools they provide I find the analoge style lacking, other really like them.

Nikon also changed their F mount to the new Z mount and like with Canon there is plenty of F mount gear on the market, F mount also means an analoge viewfinder.

Wait, they changed the name of “super zoom” cameras, are they now called “bridge” cameras?


As for learning on that camera, you can learn on any camera, even an iPhone camera, however, what you will learn differes form camera to camera.

This camera looks like it is decent for beginners wanting to learn the basics of framing and easier concepts.

Do you have to buy the camera, or can you borrow it, you mention waiting and saving up for something else…

If you do have to buy it, what is the cost and how much money do you have saved up for a camera?

I just found out what SOOC means, Straight Out Of Camera, which is what I mainly do, I hardly edit at all.

Here is a photo I took with my GX80 a few years ago:

Bumble bee on a flower


Anyway, I am a big fan of the Lumix cameras, started with my Lumix GX80 back in 2018, and upgraded to an S5 last spring.

I just love the colors of Lumix cameras, they are just so intence.

Though I am thinking about getting a Sony A7 III as it has a much faster autofocus system, and I like to do planespotting.

I played around with the snap seed app and this photo and thought this turned kinda cool with and increased cold war vibe:

Me and my dad took a trip with the torpedo boat T121 Spica this summer, the outing was coordinated with R142 Ystad.

These are ships from the cold war being run and maintained by volenteers and while they are not running them at full speed to save the engines and fuel, we did run at about 30 knots.

They only use GPS as a fallback navigation system, and mainly use radar and charts.

They also use period communications equipment, and try to be as authentic as possible.

During the trip passengers got full access to the ship, including the bridge, CIC, even the stern, but you needed ear defenders, the turbines was increadibly loud, I never went back there despite my excellent ear defenders.